How is a stroke treated in Hospital?


Stroke also is known as a cerebrovascular accident occurs when part of the brain doesn’t have enough blood supply thus the supply of oxygen and nutrients is reduced. On the first symptom of brain stoke prompt treatment is necessary instantly to reduce the degree of complications. On the first sign of brain stroke symptom, the patient has to rush to the hospital within 3 hours. At the hospital, stroke treatment differs based on the type of stroke.

Types of stroke

A brain attack is mainly of two types

  • Ischemic stroke is part of the brain loses blood flow
  • Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when bleeding occurs within the brain

A Transient ischemic attack, TIA, or mini-stroke is not a major type of stroke but it is considered to be a major warning sign of stroke.

Brain stroke treatment

Once you encounter brain stroke symptoms you have to rush to the hospital within three hours. At the hospital, you will be asked about the medical history followed by scans to identify the type of stroke. In the case of ischemic stroke, you will be administered with thrombolytic medicine which is a clot buster. Tissue plasminogen is thrombolytic medicine. tPA increases the chance of recovery in patients with ischemic stroke. Followed by this if you are in need of surgery it will be performed by a neurosurgeon.

  • Mechanical thrombectomy
  • Stents
  • Surgery

In the case of hemorrhagic stroke, the main aim of the treatment is to counteract the blood thinners that are taken and stop the bleeding in the brain. Other procedures performed by the neurosurgeons include

  • Coiling
  • Clamping
  • Surgery

The risk of developing a second stroke is high in patients who encounter a stroke. Therefore the underlying causes of the stroke are treated.

Bottom line

Stroke if not given prompt care it can result in the decease of the patient. Hence on the first encounter symptoms visit the hospital and consult a doctor.


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