The Brain Stroke Mystery Solved


Brain stroke or any stroke is a medical emergency and requires quick medical assistance. A brain stroke is the outcome of a reduced or interrupted blood supply to part of the brain, which prevents the brain tissues from getting optimum oxygen and nutrients. Additionally, if something causes bleeding in the brain, it leads to a brain stroke. Even though brain strokes occur suddenly, yet this can be prevented if a person is careful about the symptoms and takes necessary precautions.


           In order to prevent brain stroke, it is vital to know the symptoms. Some of the collective brain stroke symptoms are-


     Paralysis (numbness) on the face, leg or arm

             Sudden development of insensibility or paralysis on the face, leg or the arm is a sign of a stroke, and mostly it affects one side of the body. To be sure whether you are having a stroke or not, try to raise both your hands over your head and if one hand begins to fall, it is probably  a stroke sign. Also, if one side of your face drops when you try to smile, it is a symbol of a stroke too .


     Disruption in speaking and understanding others speak

           Problems in speaking or fumbling and confusion or difficulty to understand others speak is another brain stroke symptom.


     Unclear vision

           Sudden blurriness or unclear vision in one or both eyes is also a symptom of brain stroke



           Dizziness which leads to trouble walking and disbalance is  a brain stroke symptom too.


These are some of the recurrent symptoms of brain stroke that might help one to avoid severe damage. High blood pressure, tobacco, heart disease, and being overweight are some of the causes that make one vulnerable to brain stroke, but efficient and proper treatment helps in curing patients out of this acute disease. Max Healthcare is one of India’s leading medical institutes which is known for comprehensive, seamless and world-class healthcare services. Brain stroke can leave a permanent impact if not treated immediately. In certain cases the stroke might require a surgery as well; therefore, it is crucial to reach out for the best medical assistance possible.


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