Headache Vs. Migraine - Differences You Need To Know

Headaches and Migraines both can cause unbearable pain but not all headaches are migraines. Here, we will take you through the difference between the two so that you can opt for the right treatment.


They are one of the most common health problems faced by people frequently due to stress, fatigue, exposure to heat, sinus congestion and other such issues. They can range from moderate to severe and affect different portions of the head.


Healthcare professionals tend to categorize all chronic headaches as a migraine but a migraine is strictly a neurological disorder, which is categorized by rigorous muscle spasms. When you are exposed to excessive flashing lights or disturbing visuals for long, it triggers migraines. The people who suffer from a migraine feel tired, anxious, depressed, and sensitive to loud noise and bright lights too.

What causes a migraine or a headache?

Any neurologist in India considers genetics as one reason for a migraine in kids. Apart from that, insomnia or too much stress due to work, fatigue, and depression are promoters of a migraine. Women face them during their periods. Although hormones and hereditary have a role to play, the triggers make the situation worse for susceptible people. Whereas headaches are illnesses caused directly by the overactivity of, or problems with, structures in the head that are pain-sensitive or may also be due to different chemical activity in the brain.


Migraines can be life-threatening conditions as they can last for as long as 72 hours or can occur daily. Therefore, one must consider the best neurosurgeon in India for the solution.

A neurology doctor can advise you ways to keep a migraine in control but a migraine is not completely curable. With the help of the best neurologist, you can make sure that the severity and the frequency of the pain are largely reduced. Keeping a record of the causes which trigger your migraine like extreme weather conditions, loud music, bright lights, strong smells, diet, stress, and emotional issues can help you a great deal to keep a migraine in check.

There are medications available for both migraines and headaches, but make sure that the neurologist you visit is able to diagnose your condition well and treat you for the right illnesses.

Also Read - Here's How Some Neurological Disorders Can be Treated By Botox 


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