Types of Brain Tumor and Treatment Options

There are different types of brain tumors. Some type of brain tumors develops very slowly, and some type of brain tumor develops with a high speed. In the latter case, it becomes difficult for the doctors to take proper time and then decide. Because the patient is already in too much danger. Depending on the type of tumor, its size and grade; the doctor suggests a specific type of treatment to the patient. One should not worry about the brain tumor treatment cost if the health is on stake. Here is a list of treatments that can be followed to cure brain tumor. Surgery It is a process of removing tumor from its roots along with other tissues that damage the affected area. This treatment is usually recommended for a low-grade tumor and is one of the most opted treatments. With the growth in medical science, there has been a lot of improvement in the way surgery is done these days. Use of special equipment’s such as cortical mapping and enhanced imaging is been done...