A Useful Guide of Detecting the Stroke & Dealing with It
stroke advances to a chronic stage, it has long term devastating
effects causing death of victims. What it usually does is to cut
supply of oxygenated blood to the brain. Without oxygen to the brain,
brain cells suffer significant damages and several parts of the body
that depend on the brain also stop to work. In other words, it’s an
attack on the brain that cause failure of some other part of the

it’s one of the leading cause of death (5th killer disease) and
long-term disabilities in middle-aged and aged folks, early brain
stroke treatment minimizes its effects and prevents death. On this
account, it’s important to know and be wary of its early
signs and symptoms plus how to deal with them.
In a bid and quest to savage, the term
F.A.S.T is used to describe and remember brain stroke symptoms and signs:
Face drooping- numbness is experienced in part or whole of the face. Eyes may get twitchy sometimes.
Arm frailty- this happens when one arm doesn’t respond normally- the arms become numb and less insensate. Victim can’t raise numb as fast and high as the other arm.
Speech problem- early stage of brain stroke is characterized by speech difficulty- inability to pronounce words correctly or blurred words, sounding like those of a baby learning to talk.
Time to call 911- Don’t hesitate to call 911 or the distress and emergency line peculiar to your country when any or all of the signs highlighted above is apparent. The faster a victim is rushed to the clinic, the better their chances of survival.
with the signs
signs are attributed to Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), acute or
mini stroke; call that brain stroke at its early stage. They
sometimes come and go. It’s important to deal with them by
consulting a brain stroke treatment expert whether they are evident
or not and get checked at the best hospital for brain stroke
treatment in India.
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